When Should Your Baby Start Wearing Shoes?

When Should Your Baby Start Wearing Shoes?

Posted by Robeez on 24th Feb 2023

a baby ready to wear shoes


When should babies wear shoes? Everyone knows that baby shoes are some of the most adorable pieces of clothing on the planet. It can be difficult to resist the urge to buy little sandals, booties, and slippers for your baby. There are baby versions of brand name shoes and shoes with cute little animals on them.

While it’s fun to imagine your baby wearing these sweet shoes and socks as they toddle around, you should probably consider when it’s developmentally appropriate to buy your baby their own supportive shoes. With your baby constantly growing and hitting milestones, you might be wondering when babies should wear shoes.

There are a few things to consider, so be sure to read through for tips and advice on when babies need shoes. Then, once you’ve determined that your little one is ready to take on the world through walking, explore options for their first kicks and more.

Once They’ve Shown Signs of Readiness

Milestones are different for every child, and we encourage you to allow your baby to develop at his or her own pace. Generally speaking, babies begin crawling between 6 and 13 months, and they begin pulling themselves up between 9 and 12 months. It’s at this point that you can start thinking about when babies should wear shoes. Standing is a great sign that your little one is almost ready to walk.

Babies begin to walk around 9 and 18 months. Again, though, you shouldn’t worry if your baby doesn’t fit in this exact timeline. You should always address developmental concerns with your pediatrician.

When babies take their first steps or show they’re ready to start walking, you can browse for soft and flexible-sole shoes that mimic their bare feet. Once they’re on the go, you’ll want to have some options on hand for soft-sole shoes. These baby shoes are not only flexible and feel good on baby’s feet, but they’re kick-proof and promote healthy foot development.

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If They’re Going Outside

So, when should babies wear shoes? Mostly, at this stage, babies need shoes when they’re going outside or to unfamiliar places. This way, you can support their first steps and explorations while keeping their feet safe from anything on the ground.

Shoes like snap booties lined with sherpa or anything fuzzy will keep your child warm in cold weather. Keep your toddler warm with socks and shoes made to withstand the cold and grip the slippery ground. This will also help develop their confidence and encourage them as they walk and grow.

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Do They Need to Wear Shoes?

baby standing on a couch

If you’re asking when babies should wear shoes you might also be interested in the question of if shoes are developmentally necessary for your child. If your baby isn’t leaving the house and isn’t cold, then they aren’t required to wear shoes at this age, but the right kind of indoor shoes can help with foot development. Cute soft-sole baby shoes are made to be worn indoors and bend and move with every little step to allow for a full range of motion. This is especially important for foot development at such a young age.

If you are an active and social parent you might like to take your little one outside with you regularly. And sometimes you might take your baby to a place where it’s necessary to protect their feet with supportive baby shoes. In these cases, babies need shoes that will keep their feet warm and will provide support to their growing feet. There are a few things to look for in shoes for babies and toddlers.

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What Should You Look for in Baby Shoes?

Once we’ve determined that our babies should wear shoes, we should make sure their first shoes follow a few essential criteria. Since pediatricians have determined that barefoot is best when babies begin walking, your baby’s shoes should be as close as possible to the feeling of walking on bare feet.

Functional baby shoes should have soft and flexible soles, be non-constricting, and be breathable. Their shoes should easily be able to flex and bend. Many times, babies need shoes that are easy to put on and aren’t too tight. Overall, make sure your baby’s shoes are comfortable for them.

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How Do You Keep Them On?

When you’re taking your baby or toddler on an outing, we know that things can get hectic. There can be tantrums, things might not go according to plan, and you could find yourself feeling overwhelmed. In these moments, the last thing you want is to discover that your little one kicked off their shoe or sock. Babies should wear shoes that will stay put throughout the day – however long you’re out and about.

Our baby shoes that will stay put the longest are slip-resistant – they’re made with grippable materials. They might also have an elasticized ankle. Shoes with these characteristics are truly kick-proof yet easy for parents to take off.

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Support Healthy Baby Foot Development

baby wearing shark shoes

If you’re looking for more information and more options for when babies should wear shoes, or how to support your baby’s first steps, look no further than Robeez. We’re proud to offer shoes and baby socks that support healthy foot development for babies and toddlers. We don’t just consider what’s stylish or cute for babies to wear, although adorable shoes with patterns and characters are always part of our collections. We design our shoes with your little one’s long-term development in mind.

We design and create shoes and socks that mimic your baby’s bare feet, so their muscles and toes develop naturally. We specialize in soft, flexible soles that are easy for you to put on and take off. Yet our shoes are also slip-resistant and kick-proof which means they have no problem staying on when your toddler starts kicking and playing.

Hopefully, this post has given you helpful information about when babies should wear shoes. For all your other questions, help with sizing, or if you’d like to learn more about us, explore Robeez and shop with us today.

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